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Originalo kalba
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Rezultatai 1 - 14 iš apie 14
Originalo kalba
Anglų The bir idea, for instance, conveyed a sense of...
The bird idea, for instance, conveyed a sense of deity to them, of bird deity, that is: they had sacred birds: hawks, ibis and so forth, and worshipped them. "And he put his tongue out as though to say with challenge: Ha, ha!".
His nose pecked the air.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Bu kuÅŸ fikri..
Originalo kalba
Anglų Realism from Brazil
However attempts to adapt the European Realist novel to Latin America were,at best, marginally succesful. Balzacian tales of young men struggling to rise in society made little sense in hierarchical Latin America. Machado was one of the few writers who could have told such a tale ; but to do so would have been to refute the tenets of positivism by unmasking his racial and class origin.


Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų roman
Originalo kalba
Anglų Do you really believe it was heaped-up sand and...
Do you really believe it was heaped-up sand and ropes and clumsy leverage and all our weary and laborious mechanical contrivances?

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų translation
Originalo kalba
Anglų the wings of horus
Binovitch had the bird in him somewhere: in his features, certainly, with his piercing eye and hawk-like nose; in his movements, with his quick way of flitting, hopping, darting; in the way he perched on the edge of chair; in the manner he pecked at his food; in his twittering, high-pitched voice as well; and, above all, in his airy, flashing mind. He skimmed all subjects and picked their heart out neatly, as a bird skims lwn or air to snatch its prey. He had the bird's eye view of everything. He loved birds and understood them instinctively; could imitate their whistling notes with astonishing accuracy. Their one quality he had not was poise and balance. He was nervous little man; he was neurasthenic. And he was in Egypt by doctor's orders. Such imaginative, unnecessary ideas he had! Such uncommon beliefs! "The old Egyptians", he said. laughingly yet with a touch of solemn conviction in his manner, were a great people.Their consciousness was different from ours.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Horus'un kanatları
Originalo kalba
Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Anglų she has always taken the various religions of the...
she has always taken the various religions of the world as nothing but the different ways,suited to the cultural environments of different people.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų çeviri
Originalo kalba
Ispanų Dile a tu primo que espero que me mande la foto...
Dile a tu primo que espero que me mande la foto que me prometió con su uniforme de soldado. La voy a estar esperando con gusto. Lástima que no hables inglés o español, yo estoy tratando de aprender algo de turco. Bendiciones a todos por allá.
diacritics edited <Lilian>

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų translation
Originalo kalba
Ispanų Hola Reina!!me alegro por el feliz regreso atu...
Hola Reina!!me alegro por el feliz regreso a tu musica que me dejaste suena ahora en mi casa . Es bellisima!. Pocas veces he lamentado tanto la dificultad de tener un mismo idioma.Hay tanto por decir y compartir! pero ya encontrare el modo.Que el universo responda amablemente a cada deseo de tu vida.
respuesta a un mail

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Selam kraliçe!...
Originalo kalba
Ispanų Ojalá
Ojalá alguien pueda traducirte esto, estoy estudiando inglés, se me hace difícil entendernos, igual con el diccionario entiendo casi todo.
Claro que me gustaría conocerte. Espero que cuando vengas el año que viene podamos vernos y también espero ya saber inglés si no esto es imposible... jajaujaauajua. Sos muy lindo y tierno. Espero que podamos seguir hablando.
diacritics edited <LIlian>

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Umuyorum ki, biri bunu çevirebilir...
Originalo kalba
Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Vokiečių Es ist ein reizvoller Gedanke, deine Hände auf...
Es ist ein reizvoller Gedanke, deine Hände auf mir zu spüren und dich in mir zu fühlen. Erlaube mir deine Sehnsucht zu erleben und dich in mir aufzunehmen. Entführe uns aus den trüben Stunden und lehre uns das Fliegen, dorthin wo die Sterne leuchten.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų translation
Originalo kalba
Turkų Bu gecede girermisin rüyama...
Bu gecede girermisin rüyama...

Pabaigti vertimai
Anglų dream